Repeat Prescriptions
Patient Notice - Changes to Repeat Prescription Ordering
The NHS in Liverpool is making a change to how repeat prescriptions can be ordered. From summer 2018 patients in Liverpool will no longer be able to use a third party, such as a high street or internet pharmacy to order repeat prescriptions on their behalf.
Instead patients will need to order repeat prescriptions direct from their GP themselves – either, via GP online services, by emailing the practice on or by post .
A letter and information leaflet explaining this change in more detail is being sent to all patients who may be affected by this change. This information is also available in a range of other languages and formats here.
If you already order repeat prescriptions yourself then you will not be affected. You will still be able to arrange for a pharmacy to collect your repeat prescription from the practice and deliver medication to your door. If you have any questions or concerns about this change or have not received a letter and information leaflet please contact reception.
When you are on regular medication you will be asked to attend for reviews with the doctor, usually every 12 months. You do not need to be seen by the doctor to collect your medication between reviews but you can only order from the practice. Please hand or post in your repeat prescription slip and we will have the prescription ready after 2 working days. If you prefer you can arrange with a local pharmacy to collect the prescription and deliver your medication to you.
Click Here to order your prescription online.